Too Wide for the Door

Too Wide for the Door

In his mission field, a certain missionary had to do many things for himself and his family. When the baby grew too big for the carriage he started to build a bed for the child. After he prepared the wood, he glued the mortised pieces and was ready to complete the bed. His wife thought it too cold to work in the shed so he brought the materials into the kitchen and started to work. When the bed was finished, the baby was brought to the kitchen and placed in it while his parents gazed admiringly. Suddenly the father had a disquieting thought. Suppose the bed would not go through the door! Quickly he measured bed and door and found the bed one inch too wide to pass through.

There are many people who spend their time building their lives according to the plan of this world. They take great pride in their work, but they make it broader than Christ. The day will come when they suddenly realize the measurements will not allow it to pass Heaven's door. ".. strait is the gate, and narrow is the way..." (MATTHEW 7:14), and no human works can take us through. Christ alone can bring us to God, and when we get there we will find that He has been gracious enough to bring some of our works along, not as the price of our entry into heaven, but as a part of His love for which He will reward us.

1. By what standard are we being measured that will get us through the door of heaven.
2. At what cost do we enter into the kingdom of heaven?
3. What makes our work acceptable to God?