Seen & Heard Archive

The Rock Badgers Would Like a Word With Us

Trees talk, as do squirrels and stars. Danielle Spencer reminds us that all of creation rejoices in the sovereign care of Our Lord.

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Faith at Work: Sola Scriptura

"Let's admit that we don't always follow our own principles." Dan Doriani, on Sola Scriptura and Protestant inconsistency. 

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2017: 10 Posts that You Loved Last Year

We looked at the most popular posts from across Alliance websites in 2017. See our Top 10 here! 

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A Word from an Alliance Board Member

Thomas Martin, member of the Board of Directors for the Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals, reflects on the legacy of R.C. Sproul and his relationship to the Alliance.

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Lion in our Midst: A Eulogy for R. C. Sproul

Rick Phillips, on the passing of R.C. Sproul: "He was a lion in our midst, and when he roared we lifted up our hearts to God in faith."

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Theological Roots and Moral Fruits of Reformation

We rightly accent to the doctrinal elements of the Reformation, but it began as a moral movement and retained a moral flavor.

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6 Ways to Redeem Thanksgiving

In light of the stress, tensions and discord that often serve to make Thanksgiving a time for which many are not thankful, here are six simple things each of us can seek to implement to help redeem Thanksgiving. 

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On Friday your support of the Alliance can go even further!

On Friday, November 17th the Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals is participating in a special day of extraordinary giving. Visit, make a donation to the Alliance, and for every dollar you donate Alliance donors are matching up to $25,000, dollar per dollar. In addition, the Lancaster Foundation and their presenting sponsors will stretch your gift even further with their $500,000 stretch pool.

The world needs a strong voice of sound doctrine. Through your gift to the Alliance you will share the Gospel, proclaim biblical doctrine, engage the culture, and equip the church through this web site, as well as our broadcasts and events.

Please prayerfully consider partnering with us during the ExtraOrdinary Give

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Conflict, Comfort, and the Cross

As Christians, we are called to suffering and loss, just as our Lord suffered. Therefore, we should not be surprised when the world mocks Christians in their suffering, as they have done to the saints at First Baptist Church in Sutherland Springs. 

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Trinity: The Two Natures of Christ

In this new 8 message set, Trinity: The Two Natures of Christ, Liam Goligher continues his study of the Trinity from the Book of Hebrews. Visit the Trinity web page to learn more about what sparked this sermon series.

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