Following Jesus 54

Judas’ betrayal of Jesus Christ did not occur during a period of emotional despondency or insanity. As we have already noted, his betrayal was planned and prepared. Matthew 26:15-16; Mark 14:11; Luke 22:1-6. Judas negotiated his betrayal for 30 pieces of silver. Matthew 26:15.
Judas would signify who Jesus was with a kiss. Matthew 26:48. See also John 18.
Judas ultimately regretted his betrayal. Matthew 27:1-3. However, Judas did not turned from his sin, but rather felt bad or regretted what he had done. He perhaps did not view it as a sin against God. Judas did not ask God, or Jesus, for forgiveness. 
Μεταμέλομαι. To change one’s mind. To feel remorse. Aorist passive participle. He was brought to the place of changing his mind. He was brought to feel remorse for what he had done. Repentance is also meant from this word. 
In the New Testament, repentance involves not only a turning from sin, but also a turning to Christ by faith. The parable of the Prodigal Son is an outstanding illustration of this. Luke 
Judas committed suicide. This event is recorded in the following passages. 
Matthew 27:5 - Then when Judas, his betrayer, saw that Jesus was condemned, he changed his mind and brought back the thirty pieces of silver to the chief priests and the elders, saying, “I have sinned by betraying innocent blood.” They said, “What is that to us? See to it yourself.” And throwing down the pieces of silver into the temple, he departed, and he went and hanged himself. (Matthew 27:3-5 ESV)
Acts 1:15-20 -  In those days Peter stood up among the brothers (the company of persons was in all about 120) and said, “Brothers, the Scripture had to be fulfilled, which the Holy Spirit spoke beforehand by the mouth of David concerning Judas, who became a guide to those who arrested Jesus. For he was numbered among us and was allotted his share in this ministry.” (Now this man acquired a field with the reward of his wickedness, and falling headlong he burst open in the middle and all his bowels gushed out. And it became known to all the inhabitants of Jerusalem, so that the field was called in their own language Akeldama, that is, Field of Blood.) “For it is written in the Book of Psalms, “‘May his camp become desolate, and let there be no one to dwell in it’; and “‘Let another take his office.’(Acts 1:15-20 ESV)
The chief priest used the money paid to Judas for a potter’s filed. A place to bury unidentified people. This is a fulfillment of Zechariah 11:12-13. Acts 1:25 says Judas went to his own place in his death. Judas’ own place is hell. 
How are people today like Judas Iscariot? Even people who claim to be followers of Jesus? 

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