Trinity: The Two Natures of Christ

In this new 8 message set, Trinity: The Two Natures of Christ, Liam Goligher continues his study of the Trinity from the Book of Hebrews. Visit the Trinity web page to learn more about what sparked this sermon series.

If Christians confuse what is true of Jesus Christ as a human being with what is true of the Eternally Divine Son, they make very serious errors indeed. The most obvious is to conflate the exaltation of the Son of God from all eternity with the welcome given by the Father to the God-Man Christ Jesus, who redeemed God’s elect through a sacrificial death. So, in these great teachings, a course correction is long overdue. We must adore Jesus Christ our Lord, both fully Son of Man and fully Son of God.

Messages in this series include:

  • Mary, Did You Know?
  • Better By Design
  • Heirs of Salvation
  • In the Train of His Triumph
  • Lower Than the Angels
  • What If God Was One of Us?
  • The Son and His Family
  • After the Passion

Trinity: The Two Natures of Christ is available from on CDs or as MP3 on CD or MP3 downloads.