The Path of Service, Part 4

Theme: How to Serve Others: Bearing Burdens and Speaking God’s Truth
This week’s lessons remind us that true discipleship is marked by selfless service to others, because that is how Christ treated us.
Scripture: John 13:1-17
Yesterday we looked at the need to help one another and to give to others in need. Today we consider what it is to bear another’s burden, and also see the importance of speaking God’s truth to others.
4. We must bear one another’s burdens. The Bible is able to express the whole work of Christ for us as bearing our burdens: “Surely he hath borne our griefs, and carried our sorrows” (Isa. 53:4, KJV). So it is not surprising that it can describe the whole of the Christian life as bearing the cross and admonish us to “carry each other’s burdens,” saying, “and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ” (Gal. 6:2). 
Small groups are particularly important if we are to do this effectively. How are we to carry another’s burdens if we do not know what they are? How are we to learn about them unless we have a context in which Christians can share with one another honestly? There are many problems at this point, one of which is our natural reluctance to let our hair down and confess what is bothering us. If we have problems with our school work or at home with our children, we hesitate to say so because admitting to what may be a failure leaves us vulnerable. We worry about what others think. Again, if we are having difficulties with our husband or wife, we are afraid to admit it. We keep it in, and the problems build to the point where they sometimes prove unsolvable. How are Christians to learn to share their burdens in such areas? The easiest way is through a natural building of acceptance and confidence in the small group setting. 
5. We must speak God’s truth to the other person. When I began this listing of what it means to serve others I said that Christians tend to talk without listening. That is true; listening is an important first requirement. But having said that (and having listened), we need to say that there is also a time to speak and that Christians are distinguished from others at this point by having something genuinely helpful and transforming to say—because they can speak the words of God as they have first learned them from the Scriptures. This gives us a service far ahead of psychologists and other merely human counselors. They can listen—often better than we do. They can offer wise advice or counsel. But the help of a purely secular counselor stops there. The Christian, once he has heard and understood, can go on to share the cure for that problem or the hope for that despair given by God in the Bible. 
Many persons have a natural reluctance to instruct another person, particularly another believer. They are conscious, as we should all rightly be conscious, that they are weak and often confused themselves. But fear of our own proneness to failure should not keep us from saying what is necessary at the proper time. The Christians at Rome had not had the benefit of apostolic instructions when Paul wrote to them, but he said, “I myself am convinced, my brothers, that you yourselves are full of goodness, complete in knowledge and competent to instruct one another” (Rom. 15:14).
Bonhoeffer is surely right at this point: 
          Where Christians live together the time must inevitably come when in
          some crisis one person will have to declare God’s word and will to 
          another. It is inconceivable that the things that are of utmost importance 
          to each individual should not be spoken by one to another. It is un-Christian                         
          consciously to deprive another of the one decisive service we can render 
          to him. If we cannot bring ourselves to utter it, we shall have to ask ourselves 
          whether we are not still seeing our brother garbed in his human dignity 
          which we are afraid to touch, and thus forgetting the most important thing; 
          that is, no matter how old or highly placed or distinguished he may be, he is 
          still a man like us, a sinner in crying need of God’s grace. He has the same 
          great necessities that we have, and needs help, encouragement and forgiveness as 
          we do.2
At times we must speak words that sound harsh to the one who has to hear them. It is difficult to speak such words. But more often, it is our privilege to speak the words of comfort the Bible contains. We may have to speak of sin. But we can always also speak of God’s grace and forgiveness. We can tell our brother, “If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness” (1 John 1:9). We can assure him that, if he has confessed his sin, God has already forgiven it for Jesus’ sake. 
Study Questions:
  1. In what ways are smaller groups able to foster Christian love and care?
  2. What are some ways that Christians can speak God’s truth to others?
  3. We saw that Paul wrote to the Christians in Rome and said that they were “full of goodness, complete in knowledge and competent to instruct one another.”  From the lesson, what is the means for the existence of these characteristics and abilities? 
Application: What burdens are you aware of, which you can bear for the benefit of another person who is struggling?
2Ibid., p. 105.

Think and Act Biblically from James Boice is a devotional of the Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals. It is supported only by its readers and gracious Christians like you. Please prayerfully consider supporting Think and Act Biblically and the mission of the Alliance.