ESRC Marketing Toolkit
This page exists to equip you with the tools to tell others about the Eastern Shore Reformed Conference. With these resources we pray that you will gladly tell your friends, family, and church members about this great event! May God bless our efforts as we work together to promote Sound Doctrine, Boldly Preached!
Suggested bulletin announcement
Register today for Evangelism and the Sovereignty of God with speaker Greg Gilbert, taking place November 3rd and 4th at Grace Community Church in Chestertown, MD.
Have you ever struggled with divine sovereignty and the call of every believer to evangelism? If God is sovereign, why does He call us to share the message of salvation with the lost? Man’s responsibility to obey the call of evangelism and God’s sovereignty are not contradictory. God ordains the salvation of sinners and He ordains the means by which He will accomplish it... the preaching of the Gospel. We hope you will join us at the 2nd annual Eastern Shore Reformed Conference as we explore the Sovereignty of God and the ever-pressing task of evangelism. Visit to find out more and to register, or call 1-800-488-1888.
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