December 2014

Blood of Jesus Christ 10

God said to Him, the Lord curse you and make His face to turn away from You, and lift up the anger of His countenance upon You, and give You Hell, so that sinners could hear those words, Lord bless you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you and be gracious to You, and to lift up the light of His countenance upon You and give You peace. Being justified by faith, we have peace with God. He knew no peace.

By Dr. Derek Thomas

Blood of Jesus Christ 9

Theologians over the ages have debated and some very profound theologians have debated, including John Owen who later changed his mind, as to whether it was theoretically possible for God to forgive sinners by divine fiat--just to forgive them. Having entered into covenant that this would be the way of salvation through the mediation of His Son, He was therefore bound to do it that way, but could He?

By Dr. Derek Thomas

Theologians over the ages have debated and some very profound theologians have debated, including John Owen who later changed his mind, as to whether it was theoretically possible for God to forgive sinners by divine fiat--just to forgive them.  Having entered into covenant that this would be the way of salvation through the mediation of His Son, He was therefore bound to do it that way, but could He? 

Blood of Jesus Christ 8

B.B. Warfield spoke to students at Princeton in 1915 about redemption at the beginning of the First World War. He said, "There is no one of the titles of Christ which is more precious to Christian hearts than redeemer." Why? Because it is the name specifically of the Christ of the cross. Whenever we pronounce it, we placard the cross before our eyes, and our hearts are filled with loving remembrance, not only of what Christ has given us, but that he paid such a mighty price for it.

By Dr. Derek Thomas

Blood of Jesus Christ 7

This is the question that we have to ask. Why did Jesus have to die? Why did He have to die? Why did He have to die by crucifixion? Couldn't He have died like this dear Godly woman, Tillie, or whatever her name was? Couldn't have He died in His 90th year in His bed like Calvin, speaking to his friends, giving last words of great import and scribes taking down his last words? Why couldn't He have died in that way? Why does He have to shed His blood in violent execution?

By Dr. Derek Thomas

This is the question that we have to ask.  Why did Jesus have to die?  Why did He have to die?  Why did He have to die by crucifixion?  Couldn't He have died like this dear Godly woman, Tillie, or whatever her name was?  Couldn't have He died in His 90th year in His bed like Calvin, speaking to his friends, giving last words of great import and scribes taking down his last words?  Why couldn't He have died in that way?  Why does He have to shed His blood in violent execution? 

Blood of Jesus Christ 6

What is the ground of justification? How is it possible for God to justify the sinner and remain righteous? That's a predicament, isn't it? That's a problem. You notice in Romans chapter 4, verse 5, how strikingly Paul puts it, "and to the one who does not work, but trusts Him who justifies the ungodly."

By Dr. Derek Thomas

Blood of Jesus Christ 5

Paul addresses justification along three lines of thought. First of all, the source of justification, and secondly the ground of our salvation, and thirdly the means of our justification. Allow me to pursue it along that line of thought.

By Dr. Derek Thomas

Paul addresses justification along three lines of thought.  First of all, the source of justification, and secondly the ground of our salvation, and thirdly the means of our justification.  Allow me to pursue it along that line of thought.

Blood of Jesus Christ 4

In Romans 3:21, I think Paul is thinking of this in what we might call a redemptive, historical fashion. All of the Old Testament was but a preparation for this moment. Oscar Culman is correct, I think, in suggesting that the cross is the midpoint of all history. It's the turning point of all of history. Everything changes before the cross and after the cross.

By Dr. Derek Thomas

Blood of Jesus Christ 3

Every false religious is a variation of some sort or another on self-justification. No matter what it is that we are saved by: human effort or human wisdom or human insight or human motivation or human potential. Find the inner strength that lies within you, as a famous TV evangelist says over and over again.

By Dr. Derek Thomas

Blood of Jesus Christ 2

Donald Grey Barnhouse, I am told, drew in his personal Bible a heart in the margin next to this passage because, he said, it is the heart of the Gospel. Dr. Martin Lloyd Jones in his exposition of Romans (and I've always considered his exposition of chapters 3 and 4 especially to have been of the very best of those expositions), he says “This is undoubtedly one of the greatest verses in the Bible” and he's speaking particularly of verse 21.

By Dr. Derek Thomas

Blood of Jesus Christ 1

It's a great joy to be with dear, dear friends of mine whom I've been privileged to know now for some years, but more especially yet to be speaking on the blood of Jesus Christ. I was thinking just a few minutes ago, do we really mean what we were singing? The imagery of a fountain filled with blood. And sinners plunged beneath that flood lose all their guilty stains. Just allow your imagination for a second to think of that.

By Dr. Derek Thomas

It's a great joy to be with dear, dear friends of mine whom I've been privileged to know now for some years, but more especially yet to be speaking on the blood of Jesus Christ.  I was thinking just a few minutes ago, do we really mean what we were singing?  The imagery of a fountain filled with bloodAnd sinners plunged beneath that flood lose all their guilty stains. Just allow your imagination for a second to think of that.