QCRT Marketing Tool Kit

This page exists to equip you with the tools to tell others about the Quakertown Conference on Reformed Theology. With these resources we pray that you will gladly tell your friends, family, and church members about this great conference! May God bless our efforts as we work together to promote Sound Doctrine, Boldly Preached!


Suggested Bulletin Announcement

The Quakertown Conference on Reformed Theology, a partnered event with the Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals now in its 16th year of proclaiming the truths of Scripture through excellent teaching that promotes the whole counsel of God as found in His Word, is excited to focus on revival as the theme of its 2023 Conference. Revive Us, O Lord is scheduled for November 10-11, 2023, at Grace Bible Fellowship Church in Quakertown with speakers Michael Barrett, David Garner, and Juan Sanchez. We know you will be blessed as we worship together and by sitting under the faithful proclamation of the Word. Visit ReformedEvents.org to find out more and to register, or call 1-800-488-1888. 

Digital Media Download

Email or Social Media Ad


200x200 Avatar

Bulletin Insert


8.5 x 11 Poster