Pastoral Perspectives on Baptism

Theolgy matters. Disagreements exist within the Reformed confessional tradition, and we know that debates can often descend into name-calling and straw man arguments. This booklet contains two brief summaries - one by a pastor of paedo-baptist persuasion, one by a Baptist pastor - on a subject that matters. They've both presented their own arguments clearly and fairly. Both men argue - as you'll see - from a theological perspective that reflects the framework of the Reformed confessions. Neither backs down. But the arguements they employ, and the spirit with which they employ them, are worthy of our time and attention.

Pastoral Perspectives on Baptism is based on the following articles from

  • "The Case for Paedobaptism" by Brian Crosby
  • "The Case for Credobaptism" by Sam Renihan
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Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals
Price: $1.50