It's a funny old world

I notice that the Met Tab not only stocks no Trueman tosh but also lacks the `Je ne sais quoi' which a volume or two by Derek Thomas always provides: surely one of his many, many books on Job would be a nice addition?  Still, on the positive side, the sole volume by Lloyd-Jones is his one on why God allows war -- which, as any MLJ afficionado will tell you, is the centre of his canon, the hinge upon which his entire ministry turned.  Amen. 

Still, it is good to see that our very own Ligon Duncan preached the top sermon of 2011, narrowly squeezing out a lady called Jenny Salt, to seize the top spot. From the poppermost to the toppermost, as John Lennon might have said.   Thanks to the recently recovered David Robertson for passing this on. As the banner says, Be Inspired!

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