The Housewife Theologian

The Housewife Theologian

Dual Citizens , by Jason J. Stellman (Reformation Trust, 2009) Whether we are beholding the majesty of Mount Rainier, rejoicing over the birth of our first child, or simply savoring a good pale ale or single malt Scotch, a world-affirming Christianity does more justice to both the incarnation of...
My neighbor, John, has a wonderful vegetable garden. When we first built our home, I perceived his gi-normous patch of tilled dirt facing my backyard as a bit of an eyesore. I seriously considered planting a row of trees to block my view. However, I bore in mind that the trees wouldn’t only block...
Rescuing Ambition , by Dave Harvey (Crossway, 2010) In this book, Harvey encourages godly Ambition, and contrasts it with selfish ambition. You can view the website for his book at . There were many great sections on which to reflect but this one speaks particularly to my...
I like fun words. I love learning new words or rediscovering old ones to use in my vocabulary. So every Wednesday I will be posting a new word of the week, along with its definition. I challenge you to use it in conversation throughout the week so that it can sink into your normal rhetoric. It...
Share , send , publish , post —these are familiar buttons that our fingers push to communicate now days. Being rather inexperienced in the world of submissions for publication, I have a particular anxiety with the send and publish buttons. In fact, I have only made three submissions so far. The...
The Gospel-Driven Life , by Michael Horton (Baker Books, 2009) Our fear of God must become greater than our fear of boredom. Making disciples, like making crafts, great works of art, fine wine, a memorable dinner, and raising children, takes a long time. It is like watching corn grow and that’s...
Have you ever heard the traveling advice that if there is an airplane emergency, the mother needs to make sure that she puts her oxygen mask on first, or she will be of no good use for saving her children? We are constantly used to putting our children’s needs before our own, so I can see why this...
I like fun words. I love learning new words or rediscovering old ones to use in my vocabulary. So every Wednesday I will be posting a new word of the week, along with its definition. I challenge you to use it in conversation throughout the week so that it can sink into your normal rhetoric. It...
The Weight of Glory , by C.S. Lewis There could be several entries of reflection made from this essay (and there very well may be), but for today: Our Lord finds our desires not too strong but too weak. (p.26) How often do we get caught up in the pursuit of happiness, only to realize that we are...
My middle child, Zaidee, had her ninth birthday recently. Of course you want your child to feel special and loved on their birthday. She started her morning opening presents and then it was off to school to be the celebrity of the day. I blessed her with my presence at lunch, where she discovered...