Still no Christian toilet cleaning?

I remember the time (oh frabjous day!) when I suggested that so much Christian world-and-life-view talk seemed to be little more than a way of dressing up the political and cultural interests of the middle class chatterati in pious Christianspeak.  Not manymolesworth_reasonably_small.jpg people agreed with me then.  But, according to friends Todd and Darryl, the evidence keeps piling up.   Ho hum, I was slow off the mark this time because I feared it was all an April Fool but happily acknowledge that they have scooped me.  Alas, there is not one square inch of middle class life over which etc. etc.

We await the usual formal letters of complaint to the Puppetmaster at Head Office.  Indeed, we might even read a few of them this time on an episode of the Spin.  Just for old times' sake.