Rocky Mountain High

Big changes were implemented in the Underground Bunker this week when the Puppetmastershe.jpg announced the appointment of a new Executive Producer, presumably in a desperate attempt to impose some kind of order.   For personal reasons, she will be known to the world simply as She Who Must Be Obeyed.   She is of good OPC stock, and I am of course impressed by the appropriate 1Cor. 11 head covering; but I do wonder why the standard issue denim burka has apparently been abandoned for something rather more exotic.  Still, as Nunchucks now has a key ally in SWMBO, life in the Bunker for Todd and myself is changing dramatically, and not for the better, I hasten to add.

As to the podcast, we all know that the church is being faced with a rapidly changing social context which raises a variety of new challenges.  Thus, this week the Puppetmaster flew the team out on location to Colorado in order to address the matter of marijuana.  In states where it is legal, what should the church's attitude be? Should we discipline members who partake?  Take no stand? Offer pious advice?  That is the question before us this week in the latest Mortification of Spin: Bully Pulpit.

singing in the rain couch.jpg