Seen & Heard Archives

Did You Miss This Year's PCRT?

God's gift of sex and marriage are inseparably joined in God's creation design. However, what is the purpose? What is the pattern? Why does it matter so vitally that Christians pursue biblical marriages?

 Were you not able to make it to this year's PCRT? Or perhaps you did, but were blessed with the teaching? Well, the 2015 PCRT audio is now available in MP3 and CD formats!

06/02/2015 - 7:15pm

Have You Noticed a Shift in Christian Doctrine?

Have you noticed it too? There has been a shift in Christian doctrine in recent years. More and more one sees Christians laying hold of the biblical truth of God’s electing love and saving grace in Christ, commonly called ‘Calvinism.' The Alliance's own Reformation21 contributor, Rob Ventura, dives much deeper than the traditional five-points of Calvinism in his new book, Going Beyond the Five Points: Pursuing a More Comprehensive Reformation.

05/27/2015 - 4:07pm

Why Do We Struggle With Grace?

If grace is preached in our biblically-sound churches, then why does it seem like such a hard concept to grasp? Why do we feel like we still need to work towards God's favor? Why do we sometimes feel like He is disappointed in us? 

James Rich talks about the centrality of grace in the Christian life. He points out that it seems Christians struggle somewhat to understand exactly what it is and how it operates. To demonstrate this misunderstanding, he offers a quick quiz: "True or false; we are saved by faith." Sounds insultingly easy, doesn't it? 

05/21/2015 - 6:33pm

Is Your Spiritual Life a Battle?

Do you ever feel like life doesn't get any easier? The world is throwing you punches and all you can do is duck and dodge? Do you feel like just living day-to-day is like a climb uphill?

Your spiritual life should be a battle! The writer of Hebrews tells us to “hold fast to the confession of our hope without wavering” (10:23 ESV). What (and whom) do we need to meet this challenge? 

05/16/2015 - 9:17am

Looking Forward

The Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals produces resources to combat the spirit of the age and exists only because of you, our partners in ministry. Alliance Members are the cornerstone of the ministry, providing the faithful prayer and financial support necessary to sharing clear, biblical doctrine through media, events, and publishing. New methods to teach and encourage others to remain strong in their faith and assist members in fostering a Reformed awakening requires all members to be looking forward.

05/13/2015 - 8:11pm