The last three verses of this psalm contain a confirming oracle of God in which the controlling pronoun switches from "you,” which dominated in verses 3-13, back to "I," as in verse 2. Only here the "I" is God himself. In these verses God adds his seal to what the psalmist has been saying. God promises three things to those who trust him.

Much of what is found in the third stanza of this psalm (vv. 9-11) is like what we have seen already. It tells us that "no harm will befall" us, and that "no disaster will come near your tent" (v. 10). But there are a few new elements.

Verses 7 and 8 describe thousands falling on either side of those who trust God, noting, "You will only observe with your eyes and see the punishment of the wicked.” This interprets the death of the thousands as God's punishment for sin and places the deliverance of God's people in that context. In other words, it is not a promise that those who trust God will never die of disease or even in some military conflict, but that they will not suffer those or any other calamities as God's judgment against them for their sin. Their sin has been atoned for by the blood of Jesus Christ.

As we noted in yesterday’s reading, the psalm's promises are for you only if the God of the Bible is your God. And what promises they are! There are four metaphors for the security we can have in God. God will be our "shelter” and "shadow” (v. 1) and our "refuge" and "fortress" (v. 2). There are also four names for God, which give substance and strength to the metaphors. He is "the Most High,” “the Almighty" (v. 1), "the LORD” and "my God" (v. 2). When the psalmist identifies God as his God in the last expression, it is a way of saying that the shelter, shadow, refuge and fortress are for those who really do dwell in God and trust him.

All the psalms are from God and are wonderful in their several ways. But there are some that have commended themselves to God's people as being especially rich and comforting, and to which they have repeatedly turned in times of sickness, loneliness and trouble. Psalm 91 is one of these special psalms. It has been committed to heart by thousands of people, and millions have turned to it with thankfulness in the midst of life's calamities.