Christ, the Cornerstone

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“Have you not read this Scripture: “‘The stone that the builders rejected has become the cornerstone?”" (Mark 12:10)

Here in Mark 12, Christ calls Himself the measuring stone, or as it is translated in our Bible, “the cornerstone.”  When the Bible refers to the cornerstone, it refers to the first stone laid in the foundation.  The builders would get a stone from the quarry and chisel it carefully to get as near a right angle as possible.  They would measure the placement of all other stones against that cornerstone.  It was the standard by which all the walls of the building were measured.

When Jesus Christ is called the cornerstone, God is saying, “I measure everything by Jesus Christ.”  Everything must be subordinate to and in line with the cornerstone - we must take all our bearing from Jesus Christ, build all our building upon Christ, and know that He holds the entire structure together, or else we have built in vain.  Those who refuse Christ find him a stumbling block and a trap.  Their building, their edifice – consisting of their righteousness – will not stand without the foundation of faith in Christ.  Don’t think that you can go into the religious blueprint business for yourself.  Don’t think that an idea is acceptable to God because it is reasonable and rational to you.  The edifice built without Him will crumble and fall. The stone that was rejected will endure to become the cornerstone for all that God is doing in the world.

Meditation:  Is the building of my life aligned to Christ, the cornerstone?

Further Reading: Matthew 12:1-12