From Bruised Reed to Sweet Music

Image previewFrom Bruised Reed to Sweet Music

"A bruised reed shall He not break and smoking flax shall He not quench." (Isa.42:3)

Every member of the human race has the trait of destruction within him, but the Lord Jesus Christ did not have this trait in His being.  His was the strong tenderness of the Creator God.  He did not lift up His hand to hurt nature, so we know that we may approach Him in the most implicit confidence.  The slightest roughness would quench the smoking flax, but the Lord Jesus will blow the feeblest light to flame.

There may be someone who reads these words who is afraid to come to Christ.  Fear not, He will receive you.  A bruised reed shall He not break.  The shepherds who watched their flocks in the fields often passed their time making a sort of flute, the pipes of Pan, from the reeds that grew wild.  They played their plaintive melodies upon these reeds, but soon the reeds became bruised.  They were then worthless, and with a careless gesture; the shepherd would break the reed and throw it aside.  There was no good in it.  There was nothing to do, but get another.

But the Lord Jesus said of Himself that He would not break the bruised reed.  You may be aware of the fact that the melody has gone out of your life…  you have lost your illusions.  You have become tarnished.  Whatever may be your trouble, whether you have been downed by sin or by circumstances, you feel that you are near the end of your self and you are wondering whether or not there is anything worth while.  Listen once more to the Lord Jesus Christ: a bruised reed shall He not break.  He will not cast you aside.  And moreover, your reed, that is worthless to the world, He can recreate under the magic of His touch and bring into your life melodies more wonderful than any of the songs you sang in those days before despair came.

Dr. Barnhouse draws our attention to the spiritual healing power of the Lord so that we may be encouraged, and encourage others, to come to Christ.  The Lord is eager to produce a new song from bruised reeds.

Further Reading: Psalms 40:1-10