Lessons from a Fig Tree

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“May no one ever eat fruit from you again.” (Mark 11:14)

I was brought up in California with a fig tree in my backyard.  It was typical to find fresh figs in July and August, perhaps a few in September, and than, when the leaves fell off, to find dry figs in October and November, still on the tree.  It was perfectly possible and plausible for Jesus to look for some dried figs, still on the tree from the season past, amid the first green leaves of the new crop to come.  There is nothing ridiculous about Jesus’ response.  The only problem is to find out the significance of His response.

In Jeremiah 8:13, God speaks about coming to Israel expecting to find righteousness, saying, “When I would gather them, declares the LORD, there are no grapes on the vine, nor figs on the fig tree; even the leaves are withered, and what I gave them has passed away from them.” On this morning, Jesus sees the fig tree and kills two errors with one parable.  Here was the fig tree-leaves – leaves, and no figs!  A perfect picture of the nation of Israel.  They had religion coming out their ears - the religious leaders had plenty of leaves.  The problem was, their religion was all leaves, but no fruit, and Jesus comes looking for the fruit of righteousness, not the trappings of religion.

Meditation:  Is my Christian walk all “leaves“?

Further Reading: Matthew 11:12-14; 20-26