The Bechdel Test and The Byrd Test

How a feminist lesbian cartoon made me think about women in the church.

So every Thursday night my husband and I have a date. Whiskey is poured, we sit together in our famous “hot tub chair” and watch our favorite show, Parenthood. Last night Matt was busy grading papers and my brain was expired for the night. So I turned the TV on to the channel of our anticipated show and (not so) patiently snuggled in the chair by myself, waiting for him to finish.
Well, I learned something.

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Informed Convictions

Is sentimentality or is proper theology guiding our strongly held convictions?

I think everyone agrees that convictions are a good thing. All you have to do is scroll through a Twitter or Facebook feed to see many strong beliefs held by your friends in cyber-world. Some of these convictions are well-intended, but uninformed. I am afraid that many Christians fall into this category.
That’s why I am really appreciating the time I am spending in Fred Zaspel’s biography, Warfield on the Christian Life. A theme running throughout the book is that truth is important to living. Doctrine and life aren’t two separate categories.

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God's Object Lesson

I am currently preaching through the Book of Acts. Last Sunday I preached on Paul’s conversion from Acts 9:1-19a. 
It’s the sort of text that seems to preach itself. Paul is God’s great object lesson of grace. In his first epistle to Timothy Paul affirms just that.

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Beale for Dummies

Greg Beale has taken my advice. I think. Well, maybe not, but still......

In the casual chatter that precedes a Westminster faculty meeting, Greg Beale once commented that a certain person ‘often gives me good advice on my work.’  'What?  Make it shorter?’ was my response.  Cue silence, death stare, and a perceptible atmospheric shift from the feeling one has at the end of It’s a Wonderful Life to that at the opening of The Seventh Seal.

The Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals is member supported and operates only by your faithful support. Thank you.

Postcards from Palookaville

The Aggressive Agenda of Unbelief

Biologos seeks to spread its message.

Biologos has as its mission to spread the message that the Bible cannot be relied upon as a trustworthy guide to human origins (or anything else related to creation). If Biologos were an arm of a secular university or agnostic think tank, that agenda would make perfect sense. But the profane irony is that Biologos purports to be a Christian organization.
Lest you think this is simply a debate over the some of the finer points of Hebrew exegesis think again.

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For Everything, A Season

“For Everything There Is A Season...” So says the Preacher in Ecclesiastes 3:1. Our God has ordained whatsoever shall come to pass, according to His most wise and free counsel. He has set the limits for every hour, day, week, month and year. He has also ordained the seasons. We live our lives by the divine designations of days and seasons. We mark our births and deaths, we plant and pluck up, break down and build up, all according to the times that God has designated. We live our lives by calendars.

“For Everything There Is A Season...” So says the Preacher in Ecclesiastes 3:1. Our God has ordained whatsoever shall come to pass, according to His most wise and free counsel. He has set the limits for every hour, day, week, month and year. He has also ordained the seasons. We live our lives by the divine designations of days and seasons. We mark our births and deaths, we plant and pluck up, break down and build up, all according to the times that God has designated. We live our lives by calendars.

The Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals is member supported and operates only by your faithful support. Thank you.

Did Luke Write Hebrews?

A review of David Allen's book, Lukan Authorship of Hebrews and a cockamamie housewife theologian theory.

Well, he had me by page 31. Of course, I want it to be true. A while back ago, I wrote an article about my top three questions I have when I get to heaven. What I only hinted at then is my cockamamie housewife theologian theory.

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Did I Waste My Most Productive Hours?

Why a recent article is a bit insulting, or at least misleading.

There’s an article being shared all over the internet this week titled, “Don’t Waste Your Two Most Productive Hours.” The article reports on the statement by behavioral scientist Dan Ariely that our two most potentially productive hours are the two hours after we are fully awake. This is when we supposedly have the best mental capacity to get things done. The first thing I wonder is what qualifies as “fully awake”?

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Flaws and Friendship Were Not the Problem

John Piper answers a question about Mark Driscoll

I deeply appreciate John Piper. His ministries of preaching and writing have meant a great deal to me over the years. I pray that the Lord will continue to use him to bless His church. I point that out because I am not a guy who makes it a point to hate on Piper.

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The Necessity of the New Birth

we learn why it is absolutely necessary that sinners must be born again of the Spirit. We can no more produce spiritual life in ourselves as we could produce earthly life when we were born into this world. We need the ability to make right choices (to repent and believe), but for that to happen, we need hearts that are changed to love what is right and true, thus having a foundational change to the motivational structure of our heart. Nothing short of a resurrection of spiritual life is needed for sinners to be saved. You must be born again because your heart must be changed so that you love differently.

Why do we make the decisions that we do? What is the motivational structure of the human heart that forms the foundation for the decisions we make? According to Scripture, people choose to do what they love. The desires of the heart determine the actions of one’s life.

Jesus made this point immediately following one of the most familiar passages in Scripture. In John 3:19-21 Jesus talked about “the judgment”:

The Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals is member supported and operates only by your faithful support. Thank you.

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